Installing OpenCV manger to Android emulator

When you start to programming with OpenCV with android and if you don't have any android device to emulate those programs, you definitely have to use the Android emulator.

But the thing is you can’t run your programs in your emulator because it gives an error like below, 

So if you try to install it by just clicking install, it won’t because you don’t have direct access to Google Play Store, so you have to manually install to your emulator.

So let get start to install OpenCV manager to your android emulator.

First thing first, you have to download OpenCV manager apk file via this link given below 
Link to OpenCV manger APK file

and move/copy it’s into your platform-tool folder in sdk folder where you have copied your android SDK folder. Mine is like this “C:\adt\sdk\platform-tools”

Then next step, you have start you preferred emulator and wait until its get started and shows android wallpaper.

Then start you command promote whatever the way prefer to invoke it.

Then go to “platform-tool” folder with using commands in command prompt and enter following code segment

adb install {OpenCV manger package name}.apk

And wait a little moment until it shows “Success” message

Yap, you did it, now if you got to your menu in android emulator it will show the OpenCV manger icon.

Now you can run any of your OpenCV android application in your emulator. 
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Thanks for this post, it's helpfull for me.. :-)


but after insatall, but i saw new error. Opencv manager error(Opencv manager is incompatible with this device, please replace it an appropriate package). i run it on emulator. what is happen, could you help me!!


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